Aquachiara, our "green" partner !

Wed, 01/12/2022 - 14:46

At the Hameau Albert 1er, we have always wanted to respect the environment and to privilege short circuits. Indeed, since November 2021, we have been labeled “Green Key”, a green label recognized worldwide to certify touristic establishments regarding their environmental actions. Ten years ago, our hotel quite naturally opted for the brand Aquachiara. Aquachiara proposes a microfiltered-water-fountains system which allows businesses to access instantly quality water. 

Water supply is a crucial matter in Food and Beverage. Thanks to this solution, water arrives immediately in our traditional restaurant La Maison Carrier as well as in our gastronomic restaurant the Albert 1er. Thanks to Aquachiara, we get rid of logistical constraints linked to orders and we contribute to the ecological transition by reducing our carbon emissions. 
Aquachiara also helps us to reduce our plastic water bottles containers. We have reduced significantly our amount of waste. Thanks to Aquachiara, we can contain our water in personalized glass bottles. Those containers are then usable infinitely. 

Aquachiara contributes to develop a greener version of hospitality and we encourage this futuristic vision to save our planet. We need to consume sustainably. We thank Aquachiara again for its pragmatism facing actual challenges regarding consumption. We are happy to share this spirit with our suppliers.  



Themed packages

Well-being & sweetness
Hotel stay, gastronomy and relaxation

Our offers

A 5* breakfast followed by a 30 minutes treatment at the Spa ' Le Bachal ' with access to our relaxation room hammam and sauna. Only 6 places available daily. Price : 196 € / 2 pers

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